Wednesday, 16 September 2009

My VERY Neglected Blog... Shame on Me!

So what have I been up to for all these months? Well working lots and lots at the gym....but finally my hours are back to part time, so more time for crafty crafty-ness...yippee!
Check Spelling
MAY - I went on a fantastic holiday to Greece, the weather was excellent, the food was amazing, and the magical Mythos beer was, well, magical!

But with any holiday, there is always a hint of the annoying and a splash damn right weird. So thank you Sonia for taking us to the most freakish, random and actually pretty rubbish 'Museum of Natural History' (taxidermy museum) in Zakithos. You will see from my pictures that most of the poor poor exhibits were little more than road kill will plastic toy eyes such on. Ummmmmm....

JULY - I went to THE MOST AMAZING festival....(and I have been to a fair few...) The Secret Garden Party in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. This one definitely wins my vote, and it will be the only one I'll ever be going to again.
Secret garden craziness included ball pits, art installations, a dance stage on a lake that you had to row to, secret rooms in hidden fireplaces, stall where you could make a cake or decorate a pair of pants, wellington boot throwing contests and sock wrestling.... 24/7 silliness...
The festival itself is in a wonderful setting, which is enhanced by every part of the space being decorated with various curios and as the sun went down the lighting was simply amazing.
Every one made such a HUGE effort with their outfits and costumes...I was in my fancy dress heaven!

There was a stall where you could have your photograph taken professionally, and they had lots and lots of 'quintessentially British' props that you could strike a pose with....and lucky me, I got the big red phone...

This is one of the many amazing sculptures that were scattered about around the festival...

....and there were doors that did not lead anywhere....

There were lots of fantastic costumes....

But by Sunday things got rather silly...

But I did not miss the opportunity to do a little guerrilla crafting whilst I was there...

I even found someone wearing one of my little treasures....!

AUGUST - I finally organized my first craft night! (It only took about 6 months to sort out...tut tut...) On our first craft night we made and decorated cup cakes...

We did get a rather too experimental with the colours and flavours, and what we eventually ended up with was a wonderful mixture of cup cakes, ranging from coconut flavoured chocolate cakes topped with lemon butter cream and blue glitter, to pink Turkish delight flavoured cakes with blue smartie covered icing.... oh dear!

We tried to sell these little treats at the Brunswick festival in Brighton, but alas we could not even give them away...huh!

SEPTEMBER - Took me to the Isle of Wight, and WOW was a fantastic trip! I spent some lovely time with my mum and gosh, who would have thought that there would be so much to do in such a little place!
Some places on the Island where like stepping back in time, we found old arcade machines to play on and had soooooo much fun on the 2p gamblers...!

We found an amazing toy museum...

And we took a trip on a cable cart at The Needles...

And we saw a beautiful white tiger at the Isle of Wight Zoo...

So that was my Summer. Autumn is pretty much here, so whats next? Who can say....!

xxx I promise not to leave my blogging too long next time! xxx

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