Friday, 20 March 2009

365 Day Self-Portrait....

At the beginning of February I decided to take part in the FLICKR group '365 Days' -

The challenge -
Each day, take a self-portrait and submit it in to the FLICKR group pool.

With 13,320 members, you can only imagine how many pics are submitted everyday! It is quite fascinating to see other members entries, from professional photographers to average Joe's snaps on their camera phones - each and every one giving a thought or idea of their day.

I love this project, as a visual person, I have always find it hard to keep a daily written diary, but this project has helped me keep a record of what is going on in my life from day to day, I know just by looking at the expression on my face what kind of day I have had, where I am and what I have been doing.
Here is a few of my favorite snaps so far...Day 25

Day 27

Day 32

If you are interested in joining the group, check out

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