Monday, 27 September 2010

The Great Gift Voucher Giveaway!

Anyone who becomes a Sisily Love follower, on either TWITTER or my BLOGSPOT from now until the end of October will be entered in to a fabulous prize draw! The winner will receive a £10 gift voucher and the second prize runner up will receive a £5 gift voucher! These vouchers can be spent in either of my online shops.
Go on start following, you know you want to!

Calling all Creative Types!

Artist? Crafter? Performance Artist? Musician?... CompARTment are looking for people to take part and volunteer in the White Nights art trail in London Road Market on the 30th October 6pm - 2pm. A meeting about it will be happening tomorrow evening (Tuesday 28th September) at the Hydrant Pub, Preston Circus from 7.30-9pm.
Hopefully see you there!