Saturday, 24 October 2009

Jewellery Party...

Just a quick note for your diaries....
I have been given a fantastic opportunity to host a Sisily Love 'Jewellery and Accessory' party this coming Wednesday at 7pm at Gymophobics Gym.
It will be a great night, not only a fantastic opportunity to meet some new people and have a few glasses of complimentary vino, but also get a sneak preview of my new stock for Autumn/Winter 2009!
Don't miss out!
(Gymophobics can be found above the Co-op on Blatchington Road, Hove)

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Pantone Madness!

So I get an intive to a friend's birthday party....
So with little time and less money, (and with many thanks to Deluxe, Focus DIY, Home base and Wicks), we managed to pull off the creation of all creations as the King of Queen of Pantone.....!

Will making his pantone cape...

Stitching up my pantone skirt...

So how do I look???

(Skirt close up detail...)

Pantone brooch...

Pantone eyes...

Pantone photo shoot...

Shame I was the only person dressed up! Huh!

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Studio_805 - London Fashion Week - A/W Collection 2009

Once again, daring to stand out from the crowd my dear friend Andrew Bannister shows his amazing dual gender collection for Autumn/Winter 2009 at the London Fashion Week 'Vauxhal Fashion Scout' show this September.

With big, red, shiny plastic 'sex doll-esque' mouth pieces, the installation of stationary models bedazzled the viewers with the Bowery-style progressive cuts and off the cuff mix of colour and texture that the label is becoming famous for.

Andrew's second collection is “preoccupied with confusing classic gender roles set within a Hogarth inspired landscape” – it's a confident, bold and entertaining collection that’s sure to be a hit with stylists.

(Photos Simon Armstrong 2009)
And after the show, there is always time for a little partying...

And as gift for Andrew (and a belated Birthday pressie) we made a 'Tranny cake' - that yes, did taste as good as it looked...

Friday, 9 October 2009

Tree Sock!

So this Autumn I'm knitting myself thin....8lbs and 3 balls later, what else could I have knitted but a sock for the tree outside my house...complete with co-ordinating pompoms - guerrilla crafting in Hove couldn't have got much better...!