Monday, 10 August 2009

My Beautiful New Shoes!

Melissa shoes have got to be the the most wonderful thing I have ever put on my trotters...yummy, smelling of candy...perfectly punky.....plastic, ummmm my favorite -"nice and shiny and completely waterproof"!!!

This collaboration with Westwood is set to be the latest best-seller from the Brazil-based shoe company that has revolutionised plastic shoes and which, in its own words, doesn't actually create shoes but instead designs 'fashion accessories'.

Back in 1979, Brazilian shoe giant Grendene developed the PVC sandal known as 'jelly shoes'. Since then, the company has developed an ecologically-aware production process in which every product is recyclable and challenged the world's perception of plastic by fusing its thermoplastic technology with the talents some of the most innovative designers on the planet.

For Westwood the partnership has been particularly exciting because it's enabled her to "create modern products of a very high quality, but at affordable prices".

xxx I love my new shoes! xxx