Saturday, 31 January 2009


A list
Pinched from who pinched it from Manda. Although I have altered the list very slightly....
Things you've already done: bold
Things you want to do: italicize
Things you haven't done and don't want to - leave in plain font
1. started my own blog!
2. slept under the stars
3. played in a band
4. visited Hawaii
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity
7. been to Disneyland/world
8. climbed a mountain
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo
11. bungee jumped
12. visited Paris
13. watched a lightning storm at sea
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child
16. had food poisoning
17. truly fallen in love
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight
22. hitch hiked
23. taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. built a snow fort
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping
27. run a marathon (no but I've walked one!)
28. ridden a gondola in Venice
29. seen a total eclipse
30. watched a sunrise or sunset
31. had the kiss of a lifetime
32. been on a cruise
33. Been a punk
34. fallen in love with someone that didn't feel the same
35. seen Madonna in concert
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Run away from home
39. gone rock climbing
40. seen Michelangelo's David in person
41. sung karaoke
42. watched Star Wars
43. bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant
44. visited Africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. had your portrait painted
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. eaten oysters
50. been to the top of the Eiffel tower in Paris
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. kissed in the rain
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theatre
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business
58. taken a martial arts class
59. Driven a truck
60. served at a soup kitchen
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone shark diving
63. gotten flowers for no reason
64. donated blood
65. gone sky diving
66. visited a Nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a cheque
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. been to Glastonbury Festival
71. been somewhere in fancy dress when no one else was
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square
74. made a spotted dick
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guard in London
77. broken a bone
78. been on a speeding motorcycle
79. seen the grand canyon in person
80. published a book
81. visited the Vatican
82. bought a brand new car
83. Horse riding
84. had your picture in the newspaper
85. stolen sweets from Woolworth's
86. been on television
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone’s life
90. sat on a jury
91. met someone famous
92. gambled in Vegas
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby
95. dressed like a pirate
96. gone out with no under ware on
97. been involved in a law suit
98. got drunk in a park
99. been stung by a bee...
The above picture of me highlights numbers 33, 47 and I guess 71! X

Thursday, 29 January 2009

MUMS - The greatest thing in the world!

My Mum - fantastic, beautiful, STRONG, funny, creative, brilliant and alllllll mine. So why am I having this sudden outburst of blog lurve for my mumma?
Well this past 2 years have probably been the toughest ones yet. But FINALLY I feel like I am turning the corner and things are starting to get back on track. There is no doubting that there have been some really awful and horrendous times, but the one constant throughout it all, keeping me sane, supporting me, listening to my woes and mopping up my tears...MY MUM.
My brilliant, fantastic, glorious Mum. And here she is looking as beautiful as ever...

Saturday, 24 January 2009


The lead up to Christmas was exhausting, and I always find January a really tough month to get motivated. During the festive hols I stumbled across a book called the creative entrepreneur written by Sonora Beam, and what a fantastic find!
In the words on Sonora herself "The Creative Entrepreneur is a visual, results-oriented, step-by-step method of business development for creatives from all walks of life who want to turn their passions into viable business opportunities.
Whether you are an artist, designer, or small business owner, this book will empower you to invent or renew your vision with the steps required to take your creative idea and make it real."

During my hiatus years as a sales manager I found myself on many courses which took me through SWOT analysis, SMART targets, BUSINESS PLANNING and IMPLIMENTATION, but more often than not, the information floated into my brain but never actually became relevant to what I actually wanted to achieve. The simple technique of 'visual journaling' that the book teaches seems to make every component of a business plan realistic, achievable most importantly, relevant to a creative thinker. It is so refreshing to find a business development book that is written in my language! I love it, and would recommend it to anyone with a crafty mind and a passion for success!

For more info check out the website -